Helping Busy Moms have energy again!

Be able to keep up with your daily demands without a decrease in productivity!!

FREE Discovery Call

FREE Discovery Call ⋆

Discover what Functional Health is and how it can help you!!

FREE 15 minute chat with Jaime Anne!

GET Results! Feel Better!

Be Transformed!!!

I help busy moms just like you to have gas left in your tank after folding laundry, doing the dishes and cooking non stop meals. Energy crashes no more! Helping your heal after your Doctors don’t!

Test Don’t guess!

Life's journey is a series of unexpected challenges, and for those grappling with the complexities of stress and hormonal imbalances, the struggle can be overwhelming. Unveiling the roller coaster of emotions and physical symptoms that many of us endure in silence.

Embrace the chaos and dance through life's wild rhythms!

Fuel your fire and blaze through the day!

People who have been grappling with persistent fatigue, weight gain, and a general lack of energy. Despite leading an active lifestyle and attempting various diets, you find yourself constantly drained, experiencing brain fog, and struggling to get through the day.

Wave goodbye to gut glitches and embrace microbiome magic!

Digestive issues can be more than mere inconveniences; they can significantly impact our overall well-being. Are you someone experiencing persistent digestive issues – constipation, diarrhea, and stomach pain? You suspect food intolerances like gluten and dairy sensitivities, and you're frustrated with not receiving answers to why.

“Jaime Anne taught me so much about my health. I thought I was already an expert on: myself!”

—Katy F.

Try a session for only $49 and see if it’s right for you.

Valued at $159, There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation. I have helped many people just like you.